We are enough

Is it that important to have many friends? 
So many people, we can't even count them? 
Or is it important to rather have two or three real friends? 
Is it even possible to have like thousands of people around us who we call our friends? 
And can we actually trust in so many humans? 

I used to call a lot of people my "friends", but only two or three of them were real.
Some of my "friends" used to talk behind my back. 
They literally talked gossip 
yes, some real "gossip girls". 
(without "xoxo", obviously)

I now have three girls which I can actually trust in, and that's totally fine. Three hearted and lovely girls who can totally follow me and my weird life, people who i can totally follow. 
So yes, this is probably the answer. 
Of course I'm open for new people, even if I'm a little bit too shy sometimes. 
But who cares, that's me. 

I don't need to be the centre of attention. 
If I want to say something, I speak it out loud, no matter where, when and how. 
I have my real friends and they are enough, I am enough.
